app PortGroup enhancements, and request for someone to test with +quartz variant for a few gtk apps

Kenneth F. Cunningham ken.cunningham.webuse at
Thu Mar 22 15:24:14 UTC 2018


With Ryan's help we've made two enhancements to the app PortGroup

1. an optional bash launch script that doesn't pass -psn, and sets up the PATH prior to launch

options app.use_launch_script 
default app.use_launch_script  no

2. an option to hide the sometimes forever bouncing dock icon

options app.hide_dock_icon 
default app.hide_dock_icon  no

With this, many gtk2 and gtk3 apps could now have nice launchable bundles if desired. They usually already have the icons in the distfiles, so it's quite easy to set up (mods for qalculate-gtk and pan2 listed at bottom).

For the +x11 versions, you would want both of these options to be "yes" if gtk2 and gtk3 are installed as +x11.

I don't use the +quartz versions much and would appreciate a bit of testing from someone.

I think you'd want the launch_script option, but the icon should stop bouncing for a +quartz app (I hope) so perhaps the icon doesn't need to be hidden.

Please send some feedback once you've tested one or two +quartz variants of apps so we can see what the best defaults should be for those!



mods to Portfile for qalculate-gtk (Overrides, hides dock icon, uses launch script):

PortGroup           app 1.0            Qalculate!
app.icon            data/qalculate.png
app.hide_dock_icon  yes
app.use_launch_script yes

mods to Portfile for pan2 (Overrides, app.executable, hides dock icon, uses launch script):

PortGroup           app 1.0            Pan
app.executable      pan
app.icon            pan/icons/icon_pan_about_logo.png
app.hide_dock_icon  yes
app.use_launch_script yes

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