configuredistcc=yes and ~/.distcc/hosts

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sat May 19 12:35:53 UTC 2018

>> I don't exactly have a standard install (and so have $workpath/.home and .tmp directories); 
>Not sure what you mean by this. This is what MacPorts does by default...

Oh, I thought this was related to the fact I have set macportsuser to myself (knowing the potential risks and all that).

>> is there normally a home dir for $macportsuser where one could put a ~/.distcc/hosts file if desired? If not (or if those .home and .tmp directories will be used anyway), shouldn't base at least copy or symlink to that .distcc/hosts file in the $macportsuser home?
>You should be able to place the configuration files into

There are such files ($prefix/etc/distcc, evidently). But I've seen distcc complain about $workpath/.home/.distcc and fail because of that. Need to investigate further, apparently.


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