readme for python source

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Nov 5 03:50:13 UTC 2018

On Nov 4, 2018, at 12:56, Mark Brethen wrote:

> ‘qreduce’ is a subport of reduce that I have created, which is a Qt-based worksheet GUI for Reduce. It consists of python source files and the attached readme file.  The portfile will check for pyside and install ‘libreduce’, so the only pertinent info for the user in that readme is item 4. Should I include the Readme, which might cause confusion? I’m thinking to add item 4 as note in the portfile, for example:
> notes-append    "
> ${subport} is a Qt-based worksheet GUI for Reduce UNDER DEVELOPMENT. For a\
> PREVIEW on Mac OSX proceed as follows:
> 1. Copy ${prefix}/share/qreduce to your Python workspace\
> 2. Issue \"./\".
> "

Sure, that sounds reasonable.

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