build python source

Mark Brethen mark.brethen at
Sat Oct 27 19:57:04 UTC 2018

According to the readme for “qreduce” the procedure to build the Qt-based GUI for Reduce is:

1. Get a matching PySide binary package following the instructions

2. Go to ../libreduce, and say "make". This will create there a new
   directory <dir> based on your exact machine and OS type.

3. Return here, and say "ln -s ../libreduce/<dir>/".

4. Say "./".

I have installed pyside2 for step 1 made necessary patches to the python source. Steps 2 and 3 are not required, since I have created a libreduce port that installs the RedPy library in ../../lib. A file “” imports RedPy using the following lines

here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
p = Popen("%s/../../config.guess" % here, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
config_guess, err = p.communicate()
p = Popen(["%s/../../scripts/" % here, config_guess], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
arch, err = p.communicate()
sys.path.append("%s/../libreduce/%s" % (here, arch.rstrip()))

from RedPy import procNew, procDelete, ansNew, ansDelete

I need to comment out those lines that locate RedPy using sys.path.append and supply the correct path to I can patch this directly and supply the actual path. If I add Python group and set ‘python.add_archflags’ how should the source import this during build.

Mark Brethen
mark.brethen at

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