Initial builds on 10.15 buildbot worker

Joshua Root jmr at
Mon Dec 9 15:27:53 UTC 2019

On 2019-12-9 16:23 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> I noticed you forced some builds on the 10.15 builder. Note that I have a list of all ports that I have been working my way through in a somewhat random order ever since I set the builder up, building a couple hundred or so ports at a time, whenever the builder is not busy. I currently have about 7400 ports left on the list, though many of these have already been built as dependencies. I haven't been watching the buildbot this weekend but otherwise I try to. I can continue with this on Tuesday, removing the list of ports you put in from my list... unless you'd like to handle it differently; let me know.
> \r

I was trying out a new script that finds ports that are distributable
but have no archive available. Eventually I'd like to integrate it into
the buildbot setup, and schedule the next such port whenever a builder
is idle. It still needs some enhancements, like checking the failcache.

It shouldn't hurt for both of us to keep doing what we're doing.

- Josh

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