[mysql & mariadb] policy regarding EOL versions

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Tue Sep 3 15:12:56 UTC 2019

On 2019-9-4 00:54 , Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
> What's the policy for support in Ports like dovecot2 and postfix that
> has variants based upon these ???
> I've gotten postfix officially updated with the modern versions; but
> dovecot2 is in the same state with lots of missing variants, so I
> thought I'ld give it a go at updating dovecot2 too ;-)

No official policy. Whenever I update postfix to a new version, I
obsolete the variants for any database versions that have been EOL for a
year or more. That gives users plenty of time to migrate while still
ensuring that old versions don't hang around forever.

Certainly don't add new variants for EOL versions.

- Josh

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