Request for help in resolving issue in building ports locally

Wed Mar 25 05:29:52 UTC 2020

Hi everyone,

This is to request you all for some help in resolving an issue I've faced
and am beset with currently. Just to introduce myself in brief, I'm
Saptarshi Mukherjee - a GSoC 2020 Aspirant, have been working on the
updation and enhancement of ports in the macports base, and am desirous to
work on a larger project in this GSoC period, proposals of which I've
submitted and am eager to have more suggestions.

Coming to the issue - the command "*sudo port test*" and "*sudo port
install*" are unfortunately failing in my local machine. It says "*Unable
to execute port: Could not open file: ...*". I've followed the guidelines
but adding permissions using chmod didn't help. I'd add that even the
execution of the command "*sudo port test <port-name>*" has failed, and the
log file generated is too large to be shared (limit for this mailing list
shall not allow it) (Some salient portions of the log are - *writeError is
invalid in C99*, *wrong number of parameters passed, etc.*). This has
forced me to try all build checks on the remote machine after submitting
PRs. A kind assistance from your end can save a lot of time in these
attempts of builds and enhancements and shall enable me to try much more
critical issues, hence it's my kind request that someone may give his/her
most valuable suggestions for confronting the issue. Any sort of
suggestions/advice is highly appreciated.

Also, I've submitted my draft proposal and am keen to modify it for the
better; any suggestions in that regard are again most keenly solicited.
Have a nice day! Most excited to work with you all!

With Warmest Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
*Saptarshi Mukherjee,*
*A GSoC 2020 Aspirant.*
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