invisible universal variant and merger_must_run_binaries

Joshua Root jmr at
Wed Feb 3 13:54:03 UTC 2021

On 2021-2-3 18:46 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> I'm not aware of this "number of ports". The number of ports that both use the muniversal portgroup and need to run something they built should hopefully be small. For each one, I recommend trying to fix it as I outlined previously.
> I wouldn't embark on a campaign of seeding users with the idea that advertised MacPorts features don't work. Instead, as always, I would recommend that users file bug reports when they find anything that doesn't work, and then we can fix those issues. For the situation you're talking about, that could include fixing or (conditionally?) disabling the universal variant.

The universal variant *is* conditionally disabled in this specific 
situation. That's what Ken was asking about changing, so that users 
could download a universal archive of a port they would not be able to 
build locally.

- Josh

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