CalculiX build error using clang
Chris Jones
jonesc at
Tue Jul 26 19:18:55 UTC 2022
> On 26 Jul 2022, at 6:27 pm, Mark Brethen <mark.brethen at> wrote:
> would a ‘return;’ instead of ‘return(-1);’ suffice>?
Depends on what the intentions of the developers are here…
If callees of the function expect a return value, then the method should instead be updated to declare a return type, and then to always return something (usually 0 for successful calls).
> Mark Brethen
> mark.brethen at
>> On Jul 26, 2022, at 11:51 AM, Christopher Jones <jonesc at> wrote:
>> clang is correct in this case, gcc is being sloppy.
>> Basically you cannot return a value, from a function declared as void… fairly basic stuff really..
>>> On 26 Jul 2022, at 5:34 pm, Mark Brethen <mark.brethen at> wrote:
>>> I’m seeing this build error when using clang (gcc doesn’t complain):
>>> info:build /opt/local/bin/clang-mp-14 -O2 -Wall -Wno-narrowing -I./ -I/opt/local/include -I/opt/local/include/GL -I../../libSNL/src -I../../glut-3.5/src -c -o pickFunktions.o pickFunktions.c
>>> :info:build pickFunktions.c:4599:7: error: void function 'moveLineEndPoint' should not return a value [-Wreturn-type]
>>> :info:build return(-1);
>>> :info:build ^ ~~~~
>>> code snippet below:
>>> void moveLineEndPoint(int lineNr, int pntNr, double llength)
>>> {
>>> int p1,p2, flag=0;
>>> double P1[3], P2[3], u, eva[3], va[3], p0p1_2[3];
>>> p1=line[lineNr].p1;
>>> p2=line[lineNr].p2;
>>> /* determine which side of the line has to be moved */
>>> if(pntNr==p1) flag=-1;
>>> else if(pntNr==p2) flag=1;
>>> else
>>> {
>>> printf("ERROR: selected point:%s is no line endpoint\n", point[pntNr].name);
>>> return(-1);
>>> }
>>> u=flag*llength;
>>> u/=scale->w;
>>> /* calc direction */
>>> if(line[lineNr].typ=='s')
>>> {
>>> if(flag==-1) p2=set[line[lineNr].trk].pnt[1];
>>> else p1=set[line[lineNr].trk].pnt[set[line[lineNr].trk].anz_p-2];
>>> }
>>> P1[0]=point[p1].px;
>>> P1[1]=point[p1].py;
>>> P1[2]=point[p1].pz;
>>> P2[0]=point[p2].px;
>>> P2[1]=point[p2].py;
>>> P2[2]=point[p2].pz;
>>> v_result( P1, P2, p0p1_2);
>>> v_norm(p0p1_2,eva);
>>> v_scal(&u,eva, va);
>>> point[pntNr].px+=va[0];
>>> point[pntNr].py+=va[1];
>>> point[pntNr].pz+=va[2];
>>> printf("moved by dxyz= %lf %lf %lf\n",
>>> (va[0]* scale->w),
>>> (va[1]* scale->w),
>>> (va[2]* scale->w));
>>> }
>>> I do not code in C, so I’ll pass this up to the developer. How should this be patched?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark
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