+universal for x864+arm64 on Macintel

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 12:05:51 UTC 2022

Ryan Schmidt wrote on 20220613::04:34:46 re: "Re: +universal for x864+arm64 on Macintel"

>As far as I know, the SDK would also need to support arm64, which SDKs prior to macOS 11 don't. Therefore MacPorts doesn't support compiling for macOS for arm64 prior to macOS 11.

What Apple call the SDK is essentially the combination of standard headerfiles (incl. the system-specific ones) plus the standard libraries (including the ones for system functions). Is there any reason to suspect that one cannot use the 10.11+ SDKs on earlier OS X versions?


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