rldicl / rldicr for 32-bit powerpc?

Fred Wright fw at fwright.net
Sun Jul 16 04:20:49 UTC 2023

On Sat, 15 Jul 2023, Ken Cunningham wrote:

> Adding it into cctools for the standard assembler to use whenever it 
> might be needed would be something of a project, to be sure...

I think it would be highly unusual for an assembler to replace 
instructions for one architecture with instructions for another 
architecture, even when the two are related.  Anything generating actual 
machine instructions should know what architecture it's targeting, and 
generate appropriate code.

> However, patching it into a source file that needs it on a case-by-case 
> basis is probably a fairly trivial thing to do.

Probably so, once one works out the appropriate instructions.  That's not 
hard in principle (though trickier for the "dotted" versions), but I'm 
busy with other stuff right now (and don't currently have a working ppc64 
machine for comparison testing).  The linked code is for an emulator, and 
is providing a *C* implementation, not a ppc32 machine-code 

Fred Wright

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