Unable to fetch sources from GitLab instance

Jason Liu jasonliu at umich.edu
Sat Jul 29 03:47:53 UTC 2023

Hi all,

I suppose I should be directing this question to René Bertin, since he's
the maintainer of the VLC port, but I'm sending this to the entire dev
mailing list, in case anyone else has any ideas.

I'm trying to create a Portfile for librist, which is one of the projects
that's being hosted on https://code.videolan.org. My question to René (and
everyone else) is: Have you had any luck trying to fetch sources from
code.videolan.org? When I try to use the gitlab PortGroup, MacPorts doesn't
seem to find a tarball at the URL that is generated by the PortGroup.
However, I'm able to download the file using a web browser, and even curl
downloads the file just fine:

/usr/bin/curl -LROJk

Does anyone have any explanation for the behavior that I'm seeing?

Jason Liu
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