some jackass hosed the wikistart page

Christopher Chavez chrischavez at
Fri Mar 17 10:32:45 UTC 2023

Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 10:24 PM
From: "Ken Cunningham"
> don't recognize the username

The GitHub account responsible for the edit looks like a QAnon-themed spammer and/or bot (who also uses the name of the founder of Ethereum).
I did report them to GitHub, but maybe someone part of MacPorts organization can report them more authoritatively by selecting the option:
"I want to report abusive content or behavior"
↳ "I want to report SPAM, a user that is disrupting me or my organization's experience on GitHub, or a user who is using my personal information without my permission"
  ↳ "A user is disrupting me or my organization's experience and productivity by posting SPAM off-topic or other types of disruptive content in projects they do not own"

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