Help with zef Portfile

Joshua Root jmr at
Sun Nov 26 19:08:00 UTC 2023

raf wrote:

> I tried just putting "system" before the command but it didn't work.
> I couldn't find the documentation for tcl's system,

System isn't a standard Tcl thing, it's provided by MacPorts. It's 
closely analogous to system(3). It takes a single string which is passed 
to 'sh -c'.

It's documented in the portfile man page at least. If it's missing 
elsewhere, that's one more thing for the list of documentation 
improvements that are needed.

>    :info:destroot Failed to create directory '/opt/local/share/perl6/site/short' with mode '0o777': Failed to mkdir: Operation not permitted
That path is outside the work path, so it's not permitted to write to it 
except in the activate phase, but apparently something in the port is 
trying to create it during the destroot phase.

- Josh

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