`port archive` ?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 11:29:08 UTC 2023

On Monday October 23 2023 01:34:03 Eric Gallager wrote:

>I sometimes try using the `port archive` command, and one thing I'm
>wondering about it is, why does it bother calculating conflicts if it
>doesn't actually install the port?

That's strange, in my experience conflicts are detected when moving files into place during the activation stage. So I presume you are talking about conflicts registered in the PortFile?

It's true that for those you could argue that `port install` could fall back to `port archive` and post a note for the user. Might be too subtle for the Joe & Jane users though, and it might not be worth the effort to implement a switch in macports.conf for this?

In fact, isn't there already logic in place that prevents you from activating a port that conflicts with another? If so, implementing that switch should be trivial...


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