{ darwin any } ports getting reinstalled after OS upgrade

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Wed Sep 27 13:06:23 UTC 2023

On 27/9/2023 20:42, Nils Breunese wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve updated to macOS 14, installed MacPorts 2.8.1 for Sonoma and then upgraded my ports. I noticed that ports that use ‘platform { darwin any }’ get reinstalled during this process, and ‘port outdated’ shows ‘(platform darwin 22 ≠ 23)’. Does MacPorts really need to reinstall these ports if they’re marked as being suitable for any Darwin version?
> Nils.

The platform isn't recorded in the registry as "darwin any" currently 
(on the todo list since the platforms changes were made). I had hoped 
the installed archive might be reused in this case, but it looks like we 
set force_archive_refresh for platform mismatches just like if the 
--force option was used for an upgrade.

- Josh

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