Building MacPorts - why not activate Tcl 64bit support?

Kirill A. Korinsky kirill at
Fri May 31 18:04:43 UTC 2024

On Fri, 31 May 2024 18:06:33 +0100,
"René J.V." Bertin <rjvbertin at> wrote:
> Is that simply to keep support for building on 32bit systems simple or is there another reason? I am not familiar enough with Tcl to know if there's any advantage to activating 64bit support ... but that's what MS once thought about supporting more than 640Kb or RAM ;)

Not only MS and 640k. I guess the best example is the PC BIOS API to
manipulate any disk that the BIOS happens to support. This API has uses 10
bits to address the cylinder, 8 bits to address the head, and 6 bits to
address the sector of a drive.

If I recall right the first disk which was bigger than these limitations
appears in about 3 years after the debut of hard disks on PC computers.

wbr, Kirill

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