There should be a requirement to check if a port exists before committing something right into the master

Joshua Root jmr at
Fri May 31 21:32:58 UTC 2024

I remembered I wrote a script years ago to detect this very situation. 
Attaching in case it's of use to anyone. There are currently no other 
duplicate ports in macports-ports, BTW. :)

- Josh

On 1/6/2024 07:11, Joshua Root wrote:
> No, there's no guarantee that a PortIndex exists; you can run port 
> commands on the 'current' pseudoport, or with -D, or directly on a 
> porturl. The PortIndex itself is indexed on the port name normalised to 
> lower case, so it is not straightforward to detect this situation even 
> with an index. A warning could be generated when running portindex, but 
> you can commit without doing that, and it may impact performance.
> - Josh
> On 1/6/2024 03:45, Herby G wrote:
>> Is it a guarantee that the PortIndex is available to `port` 
>> everytime `port lint` is run? If so, would it be possible for us to 
>> use the port index to verify that one and only one port exists for the 
>> current port name?
>> On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 8:35 AM Joshua Root <jmr at 
>> <mailto:jmr at>> wrote:
>>     On 31/5/2024 21:22, Sergio Had wrote:
>>      > Otherwise we get this:
>>      >
>> <> < <>>
>>      >
>>      > While LimeChat has existed for 4 years in MacPorts:
>>      >
>> <> < <>>
>>      >
>>      > And now two conflicting ports for the same thing.
>>     I greatly doubt that this (or any other addition of a duplicate port)
>>     was deliberate, so having a specific rule against it wouldn't have
>>     changed anything. Yes, it's a problem that needs to be fixed.
>>     - Josh
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