QT Problems on macOS 15

Fred Wright fw at fwright.net
Wed Sep 4 19:20:01 UTC 2024

On Wed, 4 Sep 2024, Mark E Anderson wrote:

> Side note - Fred, can you send me some ports where I can find the Float16 bug?

I don't know of any specific *ports* (yet), since I found this in some 
legacy-support testing involving trying all possible combinations of OS 
(with the associated Xcode compiler) and SDK.  The conditions for failure 

1) Using the macOS 15 SDK.

2) Using the math.h header.

3) Using any compiler that doesn't implement the _Float16 type.

I didn't keep track of which OS/compiler cases are too old for _Float16, 
though I could investigate that if needed.  My guess is that at least some 
MacPorts compilers are sufficiently old for #3, so you don't necessarily 
need an old OS install.  Requirements #1 and #2 are trivial to create.

Apple typically tries to provide fallbacks for older compilers, though 
they don't always get it right.  This case can't just be a dummy macro 
definition, though conditionaling out the entire set of declarations would 
work.  I don't know if there's a way to directly test for _Float16 support 
in a preproccessor conditional, or whether it would have to be yet another 
kludge that tests for specific clang versions or specific gcc versions.

Fred Wright

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