[MacPorts] #14346: gfortran variant of mpich2 and netcdf
trac at macosforge.org
Sat Feb 16 00:33:29 PST 2008
#14346: gfortran variant of mpich2 and netcdf
Reporter: freezingmariner at gmail.com | Owner: macports-tickets at lists.macosforge.org
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Enhancements
Component: ports | Version: 1.6.0
Keywords: gfortran, python25 |
I'm a user of ROMS ocean model that's written in Fortran 90
(http://www.myroms.org/). To compile and run ROMS on my Mac (OS X 10.5.x)
I need mpich2, netcdf3.6.2 and gcc42 (gfortran). I'd like to have a
variant of mpich2 that's compiled with the --enable-f90 flag using
gfortran, and a variant of netcdf compiled with FCFLAGS, FFLAGS and
F90FLAGS that includes -fno-second-underscore. For ROMS to link properly
with netcdf library the --enabled-shared must be turned off when compiling
netcdf. Also it'd be great if you make mpich2 dependent on python25 or
Apple's builtin version of python (2.5.1) that came with Leopard instead
of python24. Thanks!
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/14346>
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