[MacPorts] #13742: Installation with the package did not run
the postflight script
trac at macosforge.org
Tue Jan 8 19:02:21 PST 2008
#13742: Installation with the package did not run the postflight script
Reporter: mellonjasper at gmail.com | Owner: jmpp at macports.org
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: MacPorts base bugs
Component: base | Version: 1.6.0
Resolution: | Keywords: installation postflight
Comment (by jmpp at macports.org):
I am unable to reproduce this bug: when I run the script on a virgin
account with no MacPorts settings, they are properly added to the
`~/.profile` file (which is properly created if it doesn't already exist).
Any more info anyone in this ticket can provide me with?
If you can, please create a virgin account (if on Leopard, the Guest
account might suffice) and confirm that it doesn't have any MacPorts
Terminal settings through the following:
* the output of the `env` command;
* the output of the `printenv PATH`, `printenv MANPATH` and `printenv
DISPLAY` commands;
Once that's established, try running the postflight script manually (which
you can download from
[source:/branches/release_1_6/base/portmgr/dmg/postflight here]) and tell
me if there are any errors; or, on the other hand, if the settings are
properly added. Setting `set -x` (debugging mode for bash) might help. If
pasting any terminal output, please enclose it within the `{{{ }}}`
wrappers for proper Trac formatting (read WikiFormatting for more info).
Lastly, any info that might have been output to the `/var/log/install`
file about the failed run of the `postfligth` script might also help
(hint: the log might have been already rotated, so also look into
`/var/log/install.log.0.bz2` and possibly higher numbered files).
PS: Do any of you happen to have the `/etc/paths.d/macports` and
`/etc/manpaths.d/macports` files installed?
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/13742#comment:8>
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