[MacPorts] #15712: Add versions to platforms
noreply at macports.org
Sat Jun 21 16:07:47 PDT 2008
#15712: Add versions to platforms
Reporter: raimue at macports.org | Owner: macports-tickets at lists.macosforge.org
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: MacPorts base enhancements
Component: base | Version:
Keywords: platforms versions |
Currently the `platforms` statement can only specify a platform like
`darwin, macosx, linux, freebsd` and others, but cannot require a version
of the platform. So this is a proposal to extend it to also include
platform version numbers.
This would look like this:
platforms darwin # as it is now
platforms {darwin 7} {darwin 8} # Darwin 7 or 8
platforms {darwin >=8} # Darwin 8 or higher
platforms {macosx >=9.3} # Mac OS X 10.5.3 or higher
If a platform does not match the requirements, the port should error out
automatically when trying to install it. To enforce a specifc version,
some ports are using pre-fetch {} blocks at the moment, these could be
replaced with this new syntax.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/15712>
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