[MacPorts] #15771: Portfile for py25-tables
noreply at macports.org
Sun Jun 29 10:33:00 PDT 2008
#15771: Portfile for py25-tables
Reporter: tom.duck at dal.ca | Owner: ram at macports.org
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Submissions
Component: ports | Version: 1.6.0
Resolution: | Keywords: py25-tables
Comment (by tom.duck at dal.ca):
There are three utilities bundled with pytables: ptdump, ptrepack and
nctoh5. See http://www.pytables.org/docs/manual/apd.html.
I have attached a patch for setup.py and a new Portfile that uses it. The
patch appends "-py25" to each of the utility names. There are also some
additional dependencies, and they are commented on in the Portfile. The
python24 version should probably be updated in the same way (both for the
script names and dependencies).
The approach fink uses is to create symlinks from the unversioned names to
the higher-version scripts (e.g., ptdump -> ptdump-25). See
http://www.finkports.info/ports/sci/pytables-py.html. That seems like a
reasonable choice, although I have no idea how to implement that in the
context of MacPorts. Having symlinks from the unversioned names is needed
to avoid breaking user scripts that may be depend on them.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/15771#comment:5>
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