[MacPorts] #14865: poppler 0.8.0 fails to build under tiger 10.4.11 on Intel

MacPorts trac at macosforge.org
Mon Mar 31 20:45:48 PDT 2008

#14865: poppler 0.8.0 fails to build under tiger 10.4.11 on Intel
  Reporter:  jwhowse4 at comcast.net  |       Owner:  macports-tickets at lists.macosforge.org
      Type:  defect                |      Status:  new                                  
  Priority:  Normal                |   Milestone:                                       
 Component:  ports                 |     Version:  1.6.0                                
Resolution:                        |    Keywords:                                       
Comment (by jwhowse4 at comcast.net):

 Of course my solution does not build qt4viewer, but as far as I can tell
 the only macports program that depends on poppler is gimp, and gimp does
 not appear to use qt4viewer.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/14865#comment:4>
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