[MacPorts] #14553: RFE: Move portgroups into the ports tree
trac at macosforge.org
Wed May 7 10:23:41 PDT 2008
#14553: RFE: Move portgroups into the ports tree
Reporter: raimue at macports.org | Owner: raimue at macports.org
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone: MacPorts base enhancements
Component: ports | Version: 1.6.0
Resolution: | Keywords: portgroups
Comment (by raimue at macports.org):
As also said on #14482, I am in favor of adding an `.resources` directory
to the source tree to store the port groups and other metadata related
directly to the ports tree.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/14553#comment:2>
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