[MacPorts] #16794: wxMaxima 0.7.5 not supported on the architecture

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Nov 17 01:24:56 PST 2008

#16794: wxMaxima 0.7.5 not supported on the architecture
  Reporter:  carlon.luca at gmail.com  |       Owner:  usami-k at yc5.so-net.ne.jp
      Type:  defect                 |      Status:  new                     
  Priority:  Normal                 |   Milestone:  Port Bugs               
 Component:  ports                  |     Version:  1.6.0                   
Resolution:                         |    Keywords:                          
      Port:  wxMaxima               |  

Comment(by carlon.luca at gmail.com):

 Nothing is written on the console when trying to launch wxMaxima.app. This
 is what I get instead when I launch the app from the wxMaxima executable:
 11/17/08 9:43:53 AM wxmaxima[220] NSDocumentController Info.plist warning:
 The values of CFBundleTypeRole entries must be
 'Editor', 'Viewer', 'None', or 'Shell'.
 I don't know if it's useful.
 Anyway, I've been able to make the .app working a few times. If I
 uninstall it and then I install it again, I get a not working .app. If I
 use the wxMaxima executable, I reboot the system and I use the executable
 again, then I have a working .app. If again I uninstall it and install it
 again, the icon of wxMaxima has the forbidden signal on it and launching
 it results in the message of architecture not supported. Again following
 the steps I reported it starts to work perfectly. I don't really now why,
 does this mean anything to you? Thanks!

Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/16794#comment:10>
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