[MacPorts] #15142: ghc 6.8.2 fails to build Adjustor.o (bus error, segmentation fault) on PowerPC
noreply at macports.org
Wed Nov 19 16:55:07 PST 2008
#15142: ghc 6.8.2 fails to build Adjustor.o (bus error, segmentation fault) on
Reporter: ryandesign at macports.org | Owner: gwright at macports.org
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Bugs
Component: ports | Version: 1.6.0
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: ghc |
Comment(by stephen at xemacs.org):
Replying to [comment:13 mike.vasiljevs@…]:
> Replying to [comment:11 macports@…]:
> > Some success: I was able to compile ghc-6.10.1
FWIW, I was able to "port upgrade" ghc 6.8.2_0, got blocked on ghc
6.8.3_*, and now have built like 5 ghcs in a row (not sure exactly, but
I've gotten in the habit of upgrading ghc nightly with all the recent
commits to the port; I've built at least 3 in the 6.10.1 series).
PPC 10.4.11 (iBook G4, 1.33MHz, 1.25GB RAM)[[BR]]
MacPorts 1.7 (most recent "svn up; ./configure; make; sudo make install"
done yesterday, previous was in May or June---successful port upgrade of
6.10.1 with both versions of port).
Haven't tried on Leopard yet, but that box is Intel anyway so the comments
above suggest it won't be affected.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/15142#comment:14>
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