[MacPorts] #16043: gcc-4.4 at 20080718_0 No Java support
noreply at macports.org
Wed Sep 3 18:46:11 PDT 2008
#16043: gcc-4.4 at 20080718_0 No Java support
Reporter: macports at tomorrowenterprises.com | Owner: mww at macports.org
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Bugs
Component: ports | Version: 1.6.0
Resolution: | Keywords: java gcj gcc
Port: |
Changes (by ryandesign at macports.org):
* cc: ryandesign at macports.org (added)
Replying to [comment:4 macports@…]:
> Absolutely, and I'm not complaining. I'm just trying to find a way to
get GCJ working cleanly in my environment. It appears the 4.2 port is
owned by somebody else and is the one I should be able to use, but it
doesn't work as stated. I figured it would be better to ask about a port
that is under active development.
Actually all the gcc ports are maintained by Markus, according to "`port
> > Plan B would be a {{{java}}} variant (like the gfortran variant) that
enables Java -- of course without guarantee to build (for the beta).
> As a user, I think a Java variant would be great.
For the development version of gcc (currently the gcc44 port) a java
variant would be ok, if as Markus says it frequently breaks. However I'd
prefer no java variant for the stable gcc ports; keep java support on by
default there. That way, installation of ports that require gcj (like
pdftk) doesn't get more complicated (before: `sudo port install pdftk
+gcc42`; after: `sudo port install gcc42 +java && sudo port install pdftk
+gcc42`; if java were a variant, and someone didn't know that and/or
forgot to first install gcc42 with the +java variant, and just installed
pdftk, pdftk wouldn't be able to build because gcc42 would have been built
as a dependency without java support, wasting an hour (Intel) or even a
day (PowerPC) of the user's time).
> I looked for one but couldn't find it; however, it would have saved me
lots of time. For instance, the Java variant would have saved me 2 hours
to discover that GCC 4.3 + GCJ + Intel only work on OS X 10.5 because port
itself would have told me. As it was, I had to download, compile, get the
problems, and surf Trac to find an issue that told me.
Until gcc43 was updated to 4.3.2 in r39663, it did not attempt to build
java support on Mac OS X 10.4, so you should not have encountered an
error. If you did, then that would be a bug in the gcc43 port. Or do you
just mean that you were surprised that java support was absent from the
gcc43 port? If so, then that surprise should no longer occur on PowerPC
due to r39663 (unfortunately Java support for gcc43 cannot be built on
Intel with Mac OS X 10.4; see #16409).
> So I'd like to see how much work it is in general to get some of this
stuff working and offer my assistance. If I'm going to get GCC 4.4 Java
working on my system, I might as well share it as a variant for others. Is
assisting you with a Java variant an option, should I wait because you'll
have it soon, or should I just make things work privately from original
Anyway, long story short, a java variant was added to the gcc44 port in
r38947, so this ticket can be closed, can't it?
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/16043#comment:5>
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