[MacPorts] #3688: UPDATE: VTK-4.4.2

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Sep 23 00:26:53 PDT 2008

#3688: UPDATE: VTK-4.4.2
  Reporter:  cssdev at mac.com  |       Owner:  css at macports.org
      Type:  enhancement     |      Status:  reopened        
  Priority:  Normal          |   Milestone:  Port Updates    
 Component:  ports           |     Version:                  
Resolution:                  |    Keywords:                  
      Port:  vtk             |  
Changes (by ryandesign at macports.org):

  * port:  => vtk

Old description:

> VTK 4.2 follows one version of the VTK API, but VTK 4.4 provides a
> transition API moving toward VTK 5.
> There are "interim" releases available from the VTK website:
> http://www.vtk.org/get-software.php#interim
> http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/vtkusers/2003-December/070809.html
> It would be useful to have a way to grab this interim release for use
> with code that targets the newer
> API. The CVS HEAD does include development for 4.4.x, but the interim
> releases might be a little more
> stable than checking out the latest bleeding edge code from CVS.
> Technically, the devel variant should
> be version 4.4, not 4.3. Since VTK 4.2 and VTK 4.4 are considered
> different, how might DarwinPorts
> support both these versions?

New description:

 VTK 4.2 follows one version of the VTK API, but VTK 4.4 provides a
 transition API moving toward VTK 5.
 There are "interim" releases available from the VTK website:

  * http://www.vtk.org/get-software.php#interim
  * http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/vtkusers/2003-December/070809.html

 It would be useful to have a way to grab this interim release for use with
 code that targets the newer
 API. The CVS HEAD does include development for 4.4.x, but the interim
 releases might be a little more
 stable than checking out the latest bleeding edge code from CVS.
 Technically, the devel variant should
 be version 4.4, not 4.3. Since VTK 4.2 and VTK 4.4 are considered
 different, how might DarwinPorts
 support both these versions?


Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/3688#comment:15>
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