[MacPorts] #16619: certain characters in long description cause corrupt receipt to be installed
noreply at macports.org
Fri Sep 26 13:25:05 PDT 2008
#16619: certain characters in long description cause corrupt receipt to be
Reporter: darren.weber.lists at gmail.com | Owner: macports-tickets at lists.macosforge.org
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: MacPorts base bugs
Component: base | Version: 1.6.0
Resolution: | Keywords: receipt port syntax
Port: |
Comment(by darren.weber.lists at gmail.com):
I've tested the {} solution for long_description; it seems to fail.
Here's the example test for libpqxx below.
Portfile contains:
long_description {
libpqxx is the official C++ client API for PostgreSQL, the enterprise-
open-source database software. There are many similar libraries for
and for other databases, some of them database independent. Most of
however, are fairly C like in their programming style, and fail to take
advantage of the full power of the C++ language as it has matured since
the acceptance of the Standard in 1996. What libpqxx brings you is
use of templates to reduce the inconvenience of dealing with type
standard C++ strings to keep you from having to worry about buffer
and overflow attacks, exceptions to take the tedious and error prone
around error handling out of your hands, constructors and destructors to
resource management under control, and even basic object orientation to
you some extra reliability features that would be hard to get with most
database interfaces.}
port install process:
[ dweber at elegans ~ ]$ sudo port install libpqxx
---> Fetching libpqxx
---> Verifying checksum(s) for libpqxx
---> Extracting libpqxx
---> Configuring libpqxx
---> Building libpqxx with target all
---> Staging libpqxx into destroot
---> Installing libpqxx 2.6.9_0
---> Activating libpqxx 2.6.9_0
Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Image error: libpqxx
@2.6.9_0 not installed as an image.
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
Resulting receipt file contains:
[ dweber at elegans ~ ]$ cat
/opt/local/var/macports/receipts/libpqxx/2.6.9_0/receipt.bz2 | bunzip2 |
# Version: 1.0
variants {} imagedir /opt/local/var/macports/software/libpqxx/2.6.9_0
description {Official C++ client API for PostgreSQL} active 0 homepage
.org/development/libpqxx/ epoch 0 compact 0 depends_lib {port:pkgconfig
port:postgresql83} name libpqxx installtype image receipt_f receipt_flat
ners gmail.com:darren.weber.lists long_description {{
libpqxx is the official C++ client API for PostgreSQL, the enterprise-
open-source database software. There are many similar libraries for
and for other databases, some of them database independent. Most of
however, are fairly C like in their programming style, and fail to take
advantage of the full power of the C++ language as it has matured since
the acceptance of the Standard in 1996. What libpqxx brings you is
use of templates to reduce the inconvenience of dealing with type
standard C++ strings to keep you from having to worry about buffer
and overflow attacks, exceptions to take the tedious and error prone
around error handling out of your hands, constructors and destructors to
resource management under control, and even basic object orientation to
you some extra reliability features that would be hard to get with most
database interfaces.}} contents
config 0 80 33261 1259 {MD5 (/opt/local/var/macpor
ts/software/libpqxx/2.6.9_0/opt/local/bin/pqxx-config) =
a65c02cde9c3e0efb766c85f4b1652e6}} . . .<snip>
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/16619#comment:6>
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