[MacPorts] #8453: NEW: SAHANA Disaster Management System
noreply at macports.org
Tue Feb 3 05:38:49 PST 2009
#8453: NEW: SAHANA Disaster Management System
Reporter: janaka@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Submissions
Component: ports | Version: 1.7.0
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: sahana2 |
Description changed by snc@…:
Old description:
> {{{# $Id$
> PortSystem 1.0
> name sahana2
> version 0.2.0-beta-1
> categories www php
> maintainers janaka at opensource.lk
> description Sahana is a web based disaster management system
> long_description Sahana is an integrated set of pluggable, web based
> disaster \
> management applications that provide solutions to large-
> scale \
> humanitarian problems in the aftermath of a disaster.
> homepage http://www.sahana.lk
> master_sites sourceforge:sahana
> distname sahana2-${version}
> checksums md5 08ded67d106351b2d55ff362e0791c15
> platforms darwin freebsd
> depends_lib port:apache2 port:php5 port:mysql5
> variant apache {
> depends_lib-append port:apache
> depends_lib-delete port:apache2
> }
> variant php4 {
> depends_lib-append port:php4
> depends_lib-delete port:php5
> }
> variant mysql3 conflicts mysql4 postgresql7 postgresql8 {
> depends_lib-append port:mysql
> }
> variant mysql4 conflicts mysql3 postgresql7 postgresql8 {
> depends_lib-append port:mysql4
> depends_lib-delete port:mysql5
> }
> variant postgresql7 conflicts mysql3 mysql4 postgresql8 {
> depends_lib-append port:postgresql7
> depends_lib-delete port:mysql5
> }
> variant postgresql8 conflicts mysql3 mysql4 postgresql7 {
> depends_lib-append port:postgresql8
> depends_lib-delete port:mysql5
> }
> use_configure no
> build {}
> set docpath ${destroot}${prefix}/www/data
> set worksrcpath ${workpath}/sahana-phase2
> destroot {
> xinstall -d -m 0755 ${docpath}/sahana-phase2
> eval file copy [glob ${worksrcpath}/*] ${docpath}/sahana-phase2
> file attributes ${docpath}/sahana-phase2/www/tmp -permissions 040777
> }
> }}}
New description:
# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
name sahana2
version 0.2.0-beta-1
categories www php
maintainers janaka at opensource.lk
description Sahana is a web based disaster management system
long_description Sahana is an integrated set of pluggable, web based
disaster \
management applications that provide solutions to large-
scale \
humanitarian problems in the aftermath of a disaster.
homepage http://www.sahana.lk
master_sites sourceforge:sahana
distname sahana2-${version}
checksums md5 08ded67d106351b2d55ff362e0791c15
platforms darwin freebsd
depends_lib port:apache2 port:php5 port:mysql5
variant apache {
depends_lib-append port:apache
depends_lib-delete port:apache2
variant php4 {
depends_lib-append port:php4
depends_lib-delete port:php5
variant mysql3 conflicts mysql4 postgresql7 postgresql8 {
depends_lib-append port:mysql
variant mysql4 conflicts mysql3 postgresql7 postgresql8 {
depends_lib-append port:mysql4
depends_lib-delete port:mysql5
variant postgresql7 conflicts mysql3 mysql4 postgresql8 {
depends_lib-append port:postgresql7
depends_lib-delete port:mysql5
variant postgresql8 conflicts mysql3 mysql4 postgresql7 {
depends_lib-append port:postgresql8
depends_lib-delete port:mysql5
use_configure no
build {}
set docpath ${destroot}${prefix}/www/data
set worksrcpath ${workpath}/sahana-phase2
destroot {
xinstall -d -m 0755 ${docpath}/sahana-phase2
eval file copy [glob ${worksrcpath}/*] ${docpath}/sahana-phase2
file attributes ${docpath}/sahana-phase2/www/tmp -permissions 040777
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/8453#comment:8>
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