[MacPorts] #18019: lprof 20090119, new port
noreply at macports.org
Mon Feb 9 05:44:42 PST 2009
#18019: lprof 20090119, new port
Reporter: lassi.tuura@… | Owner: snc@…
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Submissions
Component: ports | Version: 1.7.0
Keywords: | Port: lprof
Comment(by lassi.tuura@…):
$ port installed qt4-mac
The following ports are currently installed:
qt4-mac @4.4.3_0+dbus+docs+mysql5+sqlite+ssl (active)
Hm, earlier I said it installed from a system without qt. I think I did
actually try that first, and it installed fine, but then later decided I
wanted qt with more options and did "sudo port install qt4-mac +ssl
+sqlite +mysql5". I don't think the above variants affect qmake, but I
could of course be wrong.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/18019#comment:9>
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