[MacPorts] #18471: kdebase4-runtime fails to compile
noreply at macports.org
Thu Feb 12 11:37:32 PST 2009
#18471: kdebase4-runtime fails to compile
Reporter: sergio.roa@… | Owner: illogic-al@…
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Bugs
Component: ports | Version: 1.7.0
Resolution: invalid | Keywords:
Port: kdebase4-runtime |
Comment(by sergio.roa@…):
I managed to compile and install kdebase4-runtime. There is a conflict in
the phonon-related headers. The compiler is trying to get the headers from
the phonon files included in the qt4-mac library, but it only compiles
with the headers of the package phonon, which in my case is version 4.3.0.
I tried to change this in my portfile:
depends_build port:gcc42
depends_lib-append port:kdelibs4 \
port:qimageblitz \
port:kdepimlibs4 \
configure.compiler macports-gcc-4.2
configure.args-append ../${distname} \
-DWITH_Samba=OFF \
-DWITH_PulseAudio=OFF \
-DPHONON_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include \
-DPHONON_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/libphonon.dylib \
But I didn't have success. I am not sure how to avoid using these qt4-mac
phonon headers. Therefore, since I was using /opt/local/include/phonon as
input header directory, I had to modify some source files where phonon
headers are included. For instance:
#include "phonon/phonon_export.h"
#include "phonon_export.h"
and that's it. Obviously this is not a clean solution, but it gives an
insight on how to solve the problem... I am new to this ports system ;)
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/18471#comment:4>
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