[MacPorts] #18494: xpdf 3.02 installed on powerpc running 10.5.6 fails to work
noreply at macports.org
Tue Feb 17 10:51:36 PST 2009
#18494: xpdf 3.02 installed on powerpc running 10.5.6 fails to work
Reporter: draine@… | Owner: ricci@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Bugs
Component: ports | Version: 1.7.0
Keywords: | Port: xpdf
Comment(by apsmith@…):
I see this same "Xlib: extension "Generic Event Extension" missing ..."
with many of the X11 program in macports that I've tried: xpdf, xmgrace,
xdvi. However, the ghostscript (gs) X mode works ok.
This is on a MacBook Pro, OS X 10.5.6. I just installed macports yesterday
(used to have Darwin Ports on a previous laptop so I knew how it worked);
I've done a number of installs and upgrades, and port outdated now shows
nothing to be outdated. I'm using the Mac OS X11 server. Not sure what
other diagnostics would be helpful, but I downloaded macports specifically
to use Grace and that definitely seems to be broken right now!
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/18494#comment:2>
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