[MacPorts] #17540: poppler conflicts with xpdf
noreply at macports.org
Wed Feb 18 10:55:06 PST 2009
#17540: poppler conflicts with xpdf
Reporter: gale@… | Owner: ricci@…
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Bugs
Component: ports | Version: 1.6.0
Keywords: conflict | Port: poppler xpdf
Changes (by ricci@…):
* status: new => assigned
Replying to [comment:10 gale@…]:
> Replying to [comment:9 jeremyhu@…]:
> > Fine. I'll just leave it "broken" for ricci to fix. This isn't my
> Well, I'm lobbying for a different fix because I think it is the right
> fix, but don't let me get in the way of progress. :)
> Your fix - if you provide variants in both xpdf and poppler and
> set some consistent defaults - does solve the immediate problem
> of the conflict, as you point out. If you think it would take a long
> time to get (what I believe is) the proper fix, then perhaps you should
> apply your simple hack now. We could leave this bug open - or close
> this one and open a new clean bug with a clear summary of where we
> are and where we need to go, based on our discussion above.
> otoh if ricci could do the proper fix now, that would make me
> the happiest.
I'll have a look at the "mess" as soon as I can, might be a few
more days before I can get to it.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/17540#comment:11>
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