[MacPorts] #18632: Finding perl ports that are part of other ports is too hard
noreply at macports.org
Tue Feb 24 23:16:20 PST 2009
#18632: Finding perl ports that are part of other ports is too hard
Reporter: scott@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: MacPorts Future
Component: ports | Version: 1.7.0
Keywords: | Port:
I love MacPorts, it makes my life easier, sometimes, it makes my life
harder. What is the solution to solve this?
Example Case:
port search p5-Tie-RDBM
No match for p5-Tie-RDBM found
Search MacPorts
Search CPAN
Finds it with no issue
Now I am stuck, do I make a port for it? I did, I think I wasted my time.
port search p5-Tie-DBI
p5-tie-dbi @1.02 (perl)
Nie:DBI This distribution contains Tie::DBI and Tie::RDBM
I do not really know what to suggest, I brought it up on the mail list a
while back. There was opposition to adding more data to the portfile,
opposition to my suggestion to add another field for the purpose of
listing ports that contain other ports.
At this point, I would at least suggest, that in cases like this, some
"stub" record be added to the web based port search. Ideally, it should
all be handled in the ports on the command line.
CPAN makes me want to barf, almost all the time, CPAN wins in this case,
as it finds what I need, on the web, or in the command line.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/18632>
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