[MacPorts] #18209: ufraw 0.15 fails to build
noreply at macports.org
Fri Feb 27 20:11:42 PST 2009
#18209: ufraw 0.15 fails to build
Reporter: macports@… | Owner: frank.mcpherson@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: Port Bugs
Component: ports | Version: 1.7.0
Keywords: | Port: ufraw
Comment(by ryanjohns@…):
So I'm still getting the same build error after all this. Here is my
current configuration.[[BR]]
-Uninstalled all ports and uninstalled macports following the instructions
in the guide.[[BR]]
-Updated XCode to 3.1.2[[BR]]
-Installed macports trunk from svn checkout and configured sources.conf to
use the svn port-tree.[[BR]]
-Added +no_x11 +quartz to variants.conf[[BR]]
-Ensured my environment was setup correctly.[[BR]]
-Installed gnucash (installed perfectly and runs perfectly)[[BR]]
-Installed gimp2 (installed perfectly and runs perfectly)[[BR]]
-Installed ufraw (link error)[[BR]]
-Installed gimp-app macclipboard-gimp macfile-gimp gtk-nodoka-engine (all
work perfectly)[[BR]]
I don't really need any of the other plugins including ufraw so its not a
big deal but I still can't figure out why it wont link
I did notice that the installation of gimp2 installed several xorg-*
packages as dependencies, which doesn't seem right.
Here is a list of the xorg-* ports that I have installed (all were
installed during the install of gimp2)
xorg-bigreqsproto @1.0.2_0 (active)
xorg-inputproto @1.5.0_0 (active)
xorg-kbproto @1.0.3_0 (active)
xorg-libice @1.0.5_0 (active)
xorg-libsm @1.1.0_0 (active)
xorg-libX11 @1.2_0 (active)
xorg-libXau @1.0.4_0 (active)
xorg-libXaw @1.0.5_0 (active)
xorg-libXdmcp @1.0.2_0 (active)
xorg-libXext @1.0.5_0 (active)
xorg-libXmu @1.0.4_0 (active)
xorg-libXt @1.0.5_1 (active)
xorg-util-macros @1.2.1_1 (active)
xorg-xcmiscproto @1.1.2_0 (active)
xorg-xextproto @7.0.5_0 (active)
xorg-xf86bigfontproto @1.1.2_0 (active)
xorg-xproto @7.0.14_1 (active)
xorg-xtrans @1.2.3_0 (active)
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/18209#comment:9>
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