[MacPorts] #20505: dbus doesn't work

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Jul 31 16:35:17 PDT 2009

#20505: dbus doesn't work
 Reporter:  vinc17@…             |       Owner:  mcalhoun@…           
     Type:  defect               |      Status:  new                  
 Priority:  High                 |   Milestone:                       
Component:  ports                |     Version:  1.7.1                
 Keywords:                       |        Port:  dbus                 
 It seems that dbus is completely broken. Applications that use it, such as
 gnucash and liferea, output an error:

 Dynamic session lookup supported but failed: launchd did not provide a
 socket path, verify that org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist is loaded!

 and they don't work.

 One problem is that /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.freedesktop.dbus-
 system.plist refuses to work (without any error message!!!) if a file
 /opt/local/var/run/dbus/pid already exists. Since
 /opt/local/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork
 wasn't running, I tried it from the command line and got:
 $ sudo /opt/local/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork
 Unknown group "netdev" in message bus configuration file
 Failed to start message bus: The pid file "/opt/local/var/run/dbus/pid"
 exists, if the message bus is not running, remove this file
 So, I did
 sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.freedesktop.dbus-
 sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-
 sudo rm /opt/local/var/run/dbus/pid
 sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.freedesktop.dbus-
 sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-
 Now, everything seems to be OK: a ps auxww shows
 messageb  9449   0.0  0.0    27940    716  ??  Ss    1:15AM   0:00.01
 /opt/local/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork
 root      9454   0.0  0.0    27940    708  ??  Ss    1:16AM   0:00.01
 /opt/local/bin/dbus-daemon --nofork --session
 and /opt/local/var/run/dbus contains
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root messagebus 5 2009-08-01 01:15:54 pid
 srwxrwxrwx 1 root messagebus 0 2009-08-01 01:15:54 system_bus_socket
 but I still get the same error.

 If the bug due to the error about the unknown group "netdev"?

Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/20505>
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