[MacPorts] #19503: xorg-libX11, xrender: some build dependencies should be lib dependencies
noreply at macports.org
Fri May 1 14:09:26 PDT 2009
#19503: xorg-libX11, xrender: some build dependencies should be lib dependencies
Reporter: ryandesign@… | Owner: jeremyhu@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.7.1
Keywords: | Port: xorg-libX11, xrender
Comment(by ryandesign@…):
I cannot run `pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0` unless xorg-xproto, xorg-
renderproto and xorg-kbproto are installed. This means I cannot build any
port that depends on gtk2 unless those other ports are installed. gtk2's
gtk+-2.0.pc doesn't itself mention these requirements. But some other
pkgconfig files do. So it feels to me like the responsibility of those
ports to declare dependencies on the proto ports their pc files say they
require. For example:
$ grep ' xproto' /mp/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/ice.pc:Requires: xproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/libfs.pc:Requires: xproto fontsproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/sm.pc:Requires: ice xproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/x11.pc:Requires: xproto kbproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xau.pc:Requires: xproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xaw6.pc:Requires: xproto xt xmu
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xaw7.pc:Requires: xproto xt xmu
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xcomposite.pc:Requires: xproto compositeproto >= 0.4
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xcursor.pc:Requires: xproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xdamage.pc:Requires: xproto damageproto >= 1.1 xfixes
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xdmcp.pc:Requires: xproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xevie.pc:Requires: xproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xfixes.pc:Requires: xproto fixesproto >= 4.0
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xfont.pc:Requires: xproto fontsproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xft.pc:Requires: xproto, xrender, fontconfig, freetype2
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xmu.pc:Requires: xproto x11 xt
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xmuu.pc:Requires: xproto x11
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xrandr.pc:Requires: xproto randrproto >= 1.3
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xrender.pc:Requires: xproto renderproto >= 0.9 x11
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xres.pc:Requires: xproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xt.pc:Requires: xproto x11 sm
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xv.pc:Requires: xproto videoproto
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/xvmc.pc:Requires: xproto videoproto xv
Beginning with the first, ice.pc:
$ port provides /mp/lib/pkgconfig/ice.pc
/mp/lib/pkgconfig/ice.pc is provided by: xorg-libice
$ port deps xorg-libice
xorg-libice has build dependencies on:
So the ice.pc file that xorg-libice installs says it requires "xproto",
provided by the xorg-xproto port. Ports that depend on xorg-libice will
probably use pkg-config to find out how to link with libice. This pkg-
config call will fail unless xorg-xproto is installed. Therefore, xorg-
libice must declare a lib dependency on xorg-xproto, to indicate that it
may not be uninstalled after a build.
It is not reasonable that every port that wants to use xorg-libice should
be required to know what other proto ports xorg-libice requires and to
declare dependencies on them. What if a new version of xorg-libice
requires another proto port? It's not reasonable to have to update all
ports that use xorg-libice to also list that dependency. This is what the
dependency engine is for -- handling this for us by declaring dependencies
at the source.
"depends_build foo" means foo is required to build this software.
"depends_run foo" means foo is required to run this software. I feel that
running pkg-config against a .pc file installed by this port is included
in the definition of running this software. "depends_lib foo" is
equivalent to "depends_build foo\ndepends_run foo".
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/19503#comment:4>
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