[MacPorts] #19398: ogrotate @3.7.1, Revision 1 - enhancment with dateext feature
noreply at macports.org
Wed May 6 00:47:03 PDT 2009
#19398: ogrotate @3.7.1, Revision 1 - enhancment with dateext feature
Reporter: andre.mueller@… | Owner: markd@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: High | Component: ports
Version: 1.7.1 | Keywords:
Port: logrotate |
Comment(by andre.mueller@…):
I "investigated" the dateext feature. The dateext feature is already
present also in the Debian distribution and in the 3.7.1 version. The
patch for dateext originates from RedHat and is contained in the Debian
source as "rh-dateext.patch". Also in the diff file
"logrotate_3.7.1-5.diff" fetched by macports the dateext patch is present
but it seems that the patch is not applied by macports on build and/or
installing phase. Unfortunately I am not able / knowing to less about
macports to overwrite locally the Portfile settings in order this patch is
I would be very grateful to the maintainer of this port, to apply the
dateext patch as soon as possible, or giving a hint how I can apply the
patch by myself on my local copy of logrotate.
Thank you in advances and with best regards,
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/19398#comment:3>
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