[MacPorts] #18655: Goffice fails to build while installing gnucash with gtk2+quartz
noreply at macports.org
Fri May 8 08:12:46 PDT 2009
#18655: Goffice fails to build while installing gnucash with gtk2+quartz
Reporter: psbakke@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Component: ports
Version: 1.7.0 | Keywords: gnucash quartz goffice
Port: goffice |
Comment(by LenoreHorner@…):
The goffice bug is getting some attention with mixed suggestions. The
latest, the justice of which I cannot dispute, is that the ifdef render
test should not be being passed when we don't have X11 installed in
macports. So what is in the configuration files of the goffice port that
would be permitting this? Is the path misconfigured so that goffice is
seeing render in system X11 installations?
I don't see anything obvious in the goffice portfile, but I'm completely
new at this. Can anyone else see anything that would cause goffice to
think we have render (and therefore the rest of x) installed? Is goffice
somehow using pkgconfig (it's not a direct dependency) and if so, could
that somehow be pointing to a render outside MacPorts?
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/18655#comment:19>
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