[MacPorts] #19574: ghc @6.10.2_0: gcc Internal error: Virtual timer expired (program cc1) (was: GHC 6.10.2_0 (PPC MacOS 10.4) GCC internal error)
noreply at macports.org
Mon May 18 21:35:47 PDT 2009
#19574: ghc @6.10.2_0: gcc Internal error: Virtual timer expired (program cc1)
Reporter: marco.comini@… | Owner: gwright@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.7.1
Keywords: ghc internal gcc error | Port: ghc
Changes (by ryandesign@…):
* cc: ryandesign@… (added)
My ghc build stops at the same place, on Mac OS X 10.4.11 PowerPC with
Xcode 2.5, except that these two lines are not present in my output:
powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1: Internal error: Virtual timer expired
(program cc1)
Please submit a full bug report.
See <URL:http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter> for instructions.
That is to say, my output ends with:
Preprocessing library ghc-prim-
Running Haddock for ghc-prim-
Warning: The documentation for the following packages are not installed.
links will be generated to these packages: rts-1.0
make[2]: *** [doc.library.ghc-prim] Error 1
make[1]: *** [stage2] Error 2
make: *** [bootstrap2] Error 2
Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
That's when trying to upgrade to 6.10.2_0 while 6.10.1_8 is installed and
active. If I deactivate 6.10.1_8, clean and try again, the output ends
bootstrap/bin/ghc -#include cutils.h -DSTAGE=1 -package-name ghc-6.10.2
-hide-all-packages -no-user-package-conf -package-conf
-i -idist-stage1/build -inativeGen -ibasicTypes -icmm -icodeGen -icoreSyn
-icprAnalysis -ideSugar -ighci -ihsSyn -iiface -imain -iparser -iprelude
-iprofiling -irename -isimplCore -isimplStg -ispecialise -istgSyn
-istranal -itypecheck -itypes -iutils -ivectorise -idist-
stage1/build/autogen -Idist-stage1/build/autogen -Idist-stage1/build
-Istage1 -I../libraries/base/cbits -I../libraries/base/include -I.
-Iparser -Iutils -optP-include -optPdist-
stage1/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -odir dist-stage1/build -hidir dist-
stage1/build -stubdir dist-stage1/build -package Cabal- -package
array- -package base- -package bytestring- -package
containers- -package directory- -package filepath-
-package haskell98- -package hpc- -package old-time-
-package process- -package unix- -O -Wall -fno-warn-name-
shadowing -fno-warn-orphans -XCPP -XMagicHash -XUnboxedTuples
-XPatternGuards -XForeignFunctionInterface -XEmptyDataDecls
-XTypeSynonymInstances -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XFlexibleInstances
-XRank2Types -XScopedTypeVariables -XDeriveDataTypeable -idist-
stage1/build -H32m -O -I/mp/include -L/mp/lib -Rghc-timing -c
simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs -o dist-stage1/build/SimplMonad.o -ohi dist-
<<ghc: 211331804 bytes, 15 GCs, 6348690/12508060 avg/max bytes residency
(2 samples), 38M in use, 0.03 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 3.60 MUT (8.56
elapsed), 1.11 GC (2.93 elapsed) :ghc>>
make[2]: *** [dist-stage1/build/SimplMonad.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [build.stage.1] Error 2
make: *** [stage1] Error 1
which doesn't really look like much of an error to me, but it stops there.
Grepping the entire debug output for "Warning" I do see this; not sure if
it's relevant:
Configuring ghc-6.10.2...
Warning: 'include-dirs: ../libraries/base/cbits' is a relative path
outside of
the source tree. This will not work when generating a tarball with
Warning: 'include-dirs: ../libraries/base/include' is a relative path
of the source tree. This will not work when generating a tarball with
Warning: This package indirectly depends on multiple versions of the same
package. This is highly likely to cause a compile failure.
package process- requires filepath-
package directory- requires filepath-
package ghc-6.10.2 requires filepath-
package Cabal- requires filepath-
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/19574#comment:5>
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