[MacPorts] #19338: macports versions > 1.6, error with http repositories
noreply at macports.org
Tue May 19 17:55:57 PDT 2009
#19338: macports versions > 1.6, error with http repositories
Reporter: mirko.bordignon@… | Owner: jmr@…
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone: MacPorts 1.8.0
Component: base | Version: 1.7.1
Keywords: | Port:
Comment(by raimue@…):
The patch has a flaw, it still has to be `[file normalize [file join
[getportdir $url] .. ..]]`. Otherwise it would try to open files in
Note that the given URL is meant to be a porturl, not a source. We don't
know to which source the port we opened is associated. So passing
`$default_source_url` as recursion in the fallback case could also lead to
strange behavior if the `../..` is fixed.
This whole "two directories" approach from above is a little bit of a
hack, as this is only a convention we are using now. But actually the
PortIndex could define any paths (less or deeper nested). But I don't know
if there is a better solution than what we have now.
As I implemented this part, I was under the impression that the port URLs
for remote indexed port trees are always mapped to file:// locally after
fetching. But obviously, this is not the case here. Only portdirs are
mapped, not the porturls.
As `getportdir` already has conditionals for determining the directory a
Portfile is in (or has been fetched to), we could just drop the switch and
use `set proposedpath [file normalize [file join [getportdir $url] ..
..]]` for all.
I don't have a source tree over HTTP to test this, nor do I know how one
is supposed to set one up as there is nothing about that in
[http://guide.macports.org The Guide]. Does it only require serving the
PortIndex and Portfiles over HTTP?
like this?])
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/19338#comment:3>
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