[MacPorts] #19176: patch to fixup existing uninstall implementation
noreply at macports.org
Wed May 27 07:15:25 PDT 2009
#19176: patch to fixup existing uninstall implementation
Reporter: david.osguthorpe@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone: MacPorts Future
Component: base | Version: 1.7.0
Keywords: | Port:
Comment(by david.osguthorpe@…):
> Right, I didn't find any Portfiles which actually define pkg_uninstall.
of course as the current implementation does not work its not surprising
its not used
> True, and having a pre/post-deactivate and uninstall step is definitely
something which would be useful, but I'm not sure if this is the way to do
it. It's correct that ${destroot} wouldn't be useful during uninstall,
but what other bits may be? I think the better solution is to allow
deactivate and uninstall hooks in the Portfile and they can be run by port
just like with other, similar steps. I think my primary issue with it is
that this method is so different than the rest of the way Portfiles work,
though it does have the advantage of being implemented...
I dont know what the basis of the original programmers implementation was
- but it is consistent with the rest of the current uninstall proc which
also totally ignores Portfile - it deletes files based on whats in the
registry - and its executed directly
ah - I think Ive just figured out a good reason for this approach -
suppose you deactivate a port - this still leaves the files in the
registry - now you update the Portfile and change versions etc. and if it
had an uninstall phase you change that - now how do you uninstall that
older deactivated version correctly? (which of course you were leaving
around in case your new version didnt work) - also explains the current
uninstall approach of deleting files based only on whats in the registry
and why its independent of the whole Portfile fetch-install phases
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/19176#comment:5>
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