[MacPorts] #506: RFE: Quotas & Limits when Executing in packageall.tcl
noreply at macports.org
Mon Oct 5 01:12:25 PDT 2009
#506: RFE: Quotas & Limits when Executing in packageall.tcl
Reporter: Eric.C.Seidel@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone: MacPorts Future
Component: base | Version:
Resolution: wontfix | Keywords:
Port: |
Changes (by raimue@…):
* status: new => closed
* resolution: => wontfix
Old description:
> It would be very useful if packageall would be a little less "trusting"
> when executing configure/
> make/fetch commands for building port files, as some configure/make
> scripts may themselves be
> broken and cause the whole automated process to delay longer than
> necessary or spin out of
> control.
> Use of a limit or ulimit command to limit processor consumption... on
> configure scripts
> Use of quota to limit consumption for fetch, configure, make to less than
> a gig (or even 10) would
> make sense to me.
> I have thus far had two portfiles delay the whole process for several
> hours each when compiling
> the half-ports. di just sat for 7 hours.... and eli spun out of control
> (consuming 90% on both
> processors of lamancha) for 70 minutes, and wrote over 1 gig of configure
> log files (all because
> the configure script asked a yes/no question and then kept askign the
> question again, not liking
> the response... whatever it was getting from the tcl script.. I don't
> know).
> -eric
New description:
It would be very useful if packageall would be a little less "trusting"
when executing configure/
make/fetch commands for building port files, as some configure/make
scripts may themselves be
broken and cause the whole automated process to delay longer than
necessary or spin out of
Use of a limit or ulimit command to limit processor consumption... on
configure scripts
Use of quota to limit consumption for fetch, configure, make to less than
a gig (or even 10) would
make sense to me.
I have thus far had two portfiles delay the whole process for several
hours each when compiling
the half-ports. di just sat for 7 hours.... and eli spun out of control
(consuming 90% on both
processors of lamancha) for 70 minutes, and wrote over 1 gig of configure
log files (all because
the configure script asked a yes/no question and then kept askign the
question again, not liking
the response... whatever it was getting from the tcl script.. I don't
Configure and compilation can be time consuming especially on older
machines, so I wouldn't know how to get good values for such limits.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/506#comment:3>
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