[MacPorts] #21955: gtkmm does not build
noreply at macports.org
Sat Oct 24 13:37:21 PDT 2009
#21955: gtkmm does not build
Reporter: hwr@… | Owner: devans@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.8.1
Keywords: | Port: gtkmm
Comment(by macosx12345@…):
I suggest the following changes (improvements?) to the script above:
- use portfile=`port file $lib` instead of portfile=`locate $lib/Portfile
| grep -v old` (then, there is no need to rebuild the locate database
since we don't use locate)
- do not use locate to find the sources.conf file, but rather some trick
portprefix=`port dir wget | sed -e 's/var\/macports\/sources.*//'`
(and make sure wget is installed before calling checksourcesconf() )
Indeed, if there are several versions of Mac OS X on the hard disk (say
10.4 and 10.5), using locate we are going to find the sources.conf file of
the first one, which might not be the running one (I had the problem). I
think the trick hereabove is more robust.
By the way, suggestion for the maintainers of MacPorts: give a way to get
the prefix from the port command (something like "port prefix" would
return "/opt/local") or, maybe better, add a command like "echo" that
expands the global TCL variables used in portfiles instead of the
pseudoports (if this command is "tclexpand", then "port tclexpand
'$prefix'" would return "/opt/local").
- do not assume that the local repository is in $HOME but read the
sources.conf file to find where it is (and complains if there is none, as
did the script). The best would be to check all local repositories listed
in sources.conf and see if there is one where the user has write access
but... Here we assume there is only one.
- accordingly, make all operations (cp, patch, and so on) in $localrep
instead of explicitly using $HOME .
Then, the script looks like:
# apply diff patches of macports ticket #21955
# author wf (contact via http://www.bitplan.com)
# 2009-10-22
# License: Public domain
# check the availability of a user specific Local Portfile repository
# see 4.6 of http://guide.macports.org
checksourcesconf() {
# get the sources conf
echo "looking for sources.conf .."
portprefix=`port dir wget | sed -e 's/var\/macports\/sources.*//'`
echo "found $sourcesconf"
echo "looking for local portfile repository"
localrep=`grep ^file:// $sourcesconf | sed -e 's/^file:\/\///'`
echo "found $localrep"
if [ "$localrep" = "" ]
echo "you might want to add $HOME/ to $sourcesconf as outlined
in 4.6 Local Portfile Repositories of http://guide.macports.org"
exit 1
echo "good ..."
# get the relative path of a portfile starting from "release" e.g.
getRelativePath() {
# get relative path
echo $1 | awk '
# split with path separator
BEGIN { FS="/";docollect=0 }
# loop over path parts
for (i=1;i<NF;i++) {
# when collection is active
if (docollect) {
path=path delim $i
if ($i=="ports")
print path
# install wget (if not done yet)
echo "installing wget with sudo port install wget"
sudo port install wget
# do we have a local portfile repository?
# base url for the three attachments
# get the current directory
# example url
# https://trac.macports.org/raw-attachment/ticket/21955/Portfile-
# get the three libraries
for lib in gtkmm glibmm pangomm
# go back to directory where we started
cd $current
# the patch file we are looking for
# check whether it's already there
if [ -f $patch ]
echo "portfile patch $patch already downloaded"
echo "getting portfile patch $patch"
wget --no-check-certificate $base/$patch
# apply patch to the given portfile by putting the patch
# in the local repository
# get the portfile
portfile=`port file $lib`
# if we found a portfile
if [ "$portfile" = "" ]
echo "could not find original portfile for $lib"
echo "extracting relative path from $portfile"
relpath=`getRelativePath $portfile`
echo "found $relpath"
echo "creating $relpath in $localrep if it does not exist
if [ -d $localrep/$relpath ]
echo "$localrep/relpath already exists ... good"
echo "creating local repository path $relpath"
mkdir -p $localrep/$relpath
# copy the portfile and patch file
echo "preparing patch of portfile for $lib"
cp $portfile $localrep/$relpath
cp $current/$patch $localrep/$relpath
echo "patching portfile for $lib"
cd $localrep/$relpath
patch Portfile $patch
echo "you may later try to install $lib with sudo port install $lib"
# recreate ports index
echo "recreating ports index from repository $localrep"
cd $localrep
cd $current
# finished
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/21955#comment:14>
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