[MacPorts] #19510: dbus-daemon crashes (KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE)

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Sep 11 10:35:36 PDT 2009

#19510: dbus-daemon crashes (KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE)
  Reporter:  vinc17@…             |       Owner:  mcalhoun@…           
      Type:  defect               |      Status:  closed               
  Priority:  Normal               |   Milestone:                       
 Component:  ports                |     Version:  1.7.1                
Resolution:  fixed                |    Keywords:                       
      Port:  dbus                 |  

Comment(by iwilcox@…):

 Thanks illogic-al - this just helped me untwist my knickers over why my
 freshly installed 'meld' port wasn't working.  Yet another user falling
 down the LaunchAgent/LaunchDaemon/sudo hole.

 Could dbus-daemon (or its new MacPorts/launchd glue code) not handle the
 situation a little more gracefully than segging, though?  Seems overkill
 for having been run as the wrong user.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/19510#comment:39>
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