[MacPorts] #25375: couchdb missing default.d local.d

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Jul 2 17:56:37 PDT 2010

#25375: couchdb missing default.d local.d
 Reporter:  daniel.terreros@…          |       Owner:  jwa@…           
     Type:  defect                     |      Status:  new             
 Priority:  Normal                     |   Milestone:                  
Component:  ports                      |     Version:  1.9.1           
 Keywords:                             |        Port:  couchdb         

Comment(by daniel.terreros@…):

 [After the fix its still missing default.d]

 So for anyone who comes here from now on here is the step by step in pure
 rookie terms to get couchdb up and running (assuming you are using the
 default set up in your config file using "rsync.macports.org')

 Follow this file path to where you need to make your changes

 Open the Portfile and add one line of code

 patchfiles      patch-src-couchdb-couch_app.erl.diff

 create a new file called "files" (no quotation marks)

 in the "files" folder create a file named "patch-src-couchdb-
 couch_app.erl.diff" which contains this code:

 Index: src/couchdb/couch_app.erl
 --- src/couchdb/couch_app.erl   (revision 955834)
 +++ src/couchdb/couch_app.erl   (working copy)
 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@

  start(_Type, DefaultIniFiles) ->
      IniFiles = get_ini_files(DefaultIniFiles),
 -    case start_apps([crypto, sasl, inets, oauth, ssl, ibrowse, mochiweb])
 +    case start_apps([crypto, public_key, sasl, inets, oauth, ssl,
 ibrowse, mochiweb]) of
      ok ->
      {error, Reason} ->


 sudo port install couchdb

 And it is time to relax

 [final portfile should look something like this]

 # $Id$

 PortSystem 1.0

 name            couchdb
 version         0.11.0

 categories      databases
 platforms       darwin

 description     CouchDB is a document database server
 maintainers     jwa
 long_description  ${description} with a restful HTTP API, capable of \
         storing arbitrary JSON documents, building powerful data views, \
         defined in JavaScript, and processed in parallel using Map/Reduce.
         It leaves out SQL and transactions for simplicity's sake, to \
         improve scalability and to relax users' lives.

 homepage        http://couchdb.apache.org/
 master_sites    apache
 master_sites.mirror_subdir      ${name}/${version}/
 distname        apache-${name}-${version}

 checksums           md5     c1784e3850da01dc37dad20c5b1a85f8 \
                     sha1    b5b84e1d8a082960df09df7e4eda664b5e6c59d7 \
                     rmd160  cd52e0f41a67b1cba9792e2ac11c74cad5c6a1a9

 depends_lib     port:automake \
     port:autoconf \
     port:libtool \
     port:help2man \
     port:icu \
     port:spidermonkey \
     port:curl \

 set dbgroup couchdb
 set dbuser couchdb
 set logdir ${prefix}/var/log/couchdb
 set dbdir ${prefix}/var/lib/couchdb
 set plistdir /Library/LaunchDaemons
 startupitem.uniquename org.apache.couchdb

 post-destroot {
     addgroup ${dbgroup}
     adduser ${dbuser} gid=[existsgroup ${dbgroup}]
     xinstall -m 755 -o ${dbuser} -g ${dbgroup} -d \
         ${destroot}${dbdir} \
         ${destroot}${logdir} \
     destroot.keepdirs-append \
         ${destroot}${dbdir} \
     set plist org.apache.couchdb.plist
     system "cd ${destroot}/Library/LaunchDaemons && ln -sf
 # the following patches can be removed after next version
     reinplace "s;`/opt/local/bin/icu-config --invoke`;;"
     reinplace "s;^.*DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.*$;;g"

 patchfiles      patch-src-couchdb-couch_app.erl.diff

 post-activate {
     ui_msg "# Changes in CouchDB 0.10.0 make 0.9.1 database files
     ui_msg "# See http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/BreakingChanges for
     ui_msg "#"
     ui_msg "# Run the following command to install the CouchDB launchd"
     ui_msg "# startup item in order to start and re-start service
     ui_msg "#"
     ui_msg "# sudo launchctl load -w

 livecheck.type  regex
 livecheck.url   http://couchdb.apache.org/downloads.html
 livecheck.regex apache-${name}-(0.\[0-9\]+.\[0-9\])

Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/25375#comment:9>
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