[MacPorts] #25544: springrts-devel ( new port submission
noreply at macports.org
Tue Jul 6 01:00:08 PDT 2010
#25544: springrts-devel ( new port submission
Reporter: daftalx@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.1
Keywords: games spring rts | Port: springrts-devel
Comment(by daftalx@…):
Replying to [comment:1 ryandesign@…]:
Thx for the quick reply. So to make things a bit more clear, I just wanted
to give more details ( hope they answer your remarks, and will no doubt
raise new ones :) ):
> Replying to [ticket:25544 daftalx@…]:
> > This port is tagged "-devel" as the Portfile is intended for developer
and beta-testers use (though the engine already runs quite fine).
> If this is an unstable version, that's fine; if this is a released
version, then the port should just be called "springrts" (no "-devel").
To make a long story (not so) short, Spring can be played standalone for
single player games, or online via multiplayer lobbies (I'm also working
on porting one here soon). For online play, the lobby ensures that all
players run the same official (i.e. latest tarball release) version of
Spring. Via MacPorts, that would turn out to be the "springrts" (without
-devel) port, which would work as you say (I'm still testing it a bit
before submitting here).
> > It will fetch & build the latest source from the official git
> This is not ok; the port must retrieve and build a specific version. Is
there a reason why the port could not just download the tarballs they
distribute? That would be preferable.
The "-devel" version is intended for devs and beta-testers to try out
latest developments and improvements to the engine. There is no "dev-
oriented tarball" released as such. Once a dev pushes new stuff, we call
out our beta-testers to update the code and try it out. In this context
the "git fetch" option was prefect (and in line with what is done on other
platforms). I definitely don't mind changing that though, just let me know
what could be the best alternative... The build version for instance isn't
correct obviously, could I use epoch with a full time and date info ?
Actually, out of curiosity, if the {git,svn,cvs...} aren't good options
for "-devel" ports, why are they supported in Portfiles ? Just want to
make sure I get the big picture, to avoid bothering you guys again about
it :)
> Also, I'm not sure "games" is the best primary category for this port,
since this port is not a game, but a game engine; "devel" might be a
better primary category. "games" could possibly stay as a secondary
The Spring RTS is named "engine", though it runs as a full standalone app
with a OpenGL/SDL GUI (and it's the general name gamers use, regardless of
how they play it). Upon run, a ".spring" directory in created in the home
dir. This directory is used to store played games, and the user can store
there downloaded mods and bots, which are basically small text files
specifying the game scenario (in contrast to HL-type mods for instance).
The word "engine" might have been a bit misleading here, but clearly there
will be no "ports" for maps/mods later, which are otherwise available from
a number of repositories with tens of competing versions. Again, no big
deal to change a tag, I just know for sure that interested gamers will
definitely look into the games category as soon as they hear "hey ! Spring
is out on Mac" ;)
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/25544#comment:2>
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