[MacPorts] #25580: clisp: nolibsigsegv variant does not disable libsigsegv
noreply at macports.org
Thu Jul 8 00:56:56 PDT 2010
#25580: clisp: nolibsigsegv variant does not disable libsigsegv
Reporter: ryandesign@… | Owner: waqar@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 1.9.1
Keywords: | Port: clisp
In r15727 a nolibsigsegv variant was added to try to fix #5880 and #6084,
but this variant does not actually prevent the use of libsigsegv if it is
already installed. (Greg already knew this when he added it as seen in
[comment:ticket:5880:5 ticket 5880 comment 5] and [comment:ticket:6084:5
ticket 6084 comment 5].)
In r61269 a platform darwin 10 section was added which does the same thing
as the nolibsigsegv variant on Snow Leopard. Do we remember why this was
done? It seems to build fine with libsigsegv. If this was done because
clisp builds 32-bit only and we did not want to force users to manually
build dependencies universal, then this is no longer a problem because
MacPorts 1.9+ does so automatically (now that I have fixed clisp in r69484
to indicate its supported architectures).
The implication of this is that if a Snow Leopard user installs libsigsegv
and then clisp (or, perhaps less commonly, if a Leopard or Tiger user
installs libsigsegv and then installs clisp with the +nolibsigsegv
variant), clisp will link with libsigsegv anyway but will not declare a
dependency on it, thus allowing the user to later uninstall libsigsegv and
encounter problems like #25496.
clisp @2.48_1 builds fine for me with libsigsegv on Snow Leopard x86_64,
Leopard ppc, Tiger ppc and Tiger i386. I propose removing the platform
darwin 10 section and the nolibsigsegv variant (so that libsigsegv support
is always enabled) and increasing the revision to push this change out to
Ticket URL: <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/25580>
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